The Gathering
Though the realisation of our whole alive nature is not about practices, methods or systems, initially, some things are essential to understand regarding the non-dualistic teachings at the heart of the Universal Family. However, these can be communicated relatively quickly. To this end, I am excited to introduce you to the Universal Family online weekend gathering.
This innovative approach to sharing the realisation of intrinsic wholeness, aliveness and psychological safety from which joyful living can occur uproots the cause of the symptoms of lack and fear that block this natural state and limit life. In a non dogmatic way, it combines the rational practicality of psychotherapy with the profundity of direct path non-dualistic teachings and the universal compassion of Buddhism in a way that everyone can readily understand and apply. It has emerged from decades of study and direct experience of the understanding arising from Buddhism, Psychotherapy and Direct Path Non-Dualistic teachings.
There are six elements to the online weekend gathering taught in six 90-minute sessions throughout the weekend. These steps provide the initial basis of experiencing and living based on our life-affirming true nature:
Review - Uncompromisingly assess the current state of your physiological, psychological, perceptive, and behavioural elements for signs of lack and fear.
Reorientate - Maintain a precise and resilient inner orientation amidst your experience of the mind, body, and world to be the parental awareness of the family, of the mind, body, and world.
Rest - Recognise and experience your intrinsic wholeness of being the parental aware reality and feel the psychological safety and life-affirming aliveness of this .
Reaffirm—Dispel the root of all limiting beliefs through the unwavering conviction that we cannot know if our true nature is dependent on the mind and body and, therefore, a separate reality and can remain in open conviction it is the impersonal source of everything.
Reframe—Disentangle all lingering identification with the body, which causes us to feel we are a separate self.
Radiate- Resting as our impersonal true nature, embodying our life-affirming qualities, we freely express these in our thoughts and actions to do what is loved, which is, we find, supported by the universe.
Participants receive a summary booklet detailing all the processes and methods from the weekend for ongoing individual use. This resource supports participants in integrating these practices into their daily lives. A deeper understanding is available by reading Freyja’s book "Naturally Being", available on Amazon here.
The weekend is accompanied by an optional online Yogic breathing session delivered by Nayara Barbosa, a professional yoga teacher. Nayara Barbosa is the founder and main instructor at Zen Expression Art & Yoga, specializing in corporate wellness programs. A certified Yoga Instructor and Pranayama specialist, Nayara combines her expertise in yoga and breathwork to help individuals and organizations achieve greater harmony, mental clarity, and overall well-being.
Participants are invited to return to future weekends free of charge when accompanied by a friend or colleague. This is backed up by an invitation to join the shorter 2 hour monthly discussion meetings for ongoing mutual support. Where more individualised support is required, Freyja offers private 1 to 1 sessions that can be booked through her sister website
What To Expect
You don’t have to be ‘spiritual’ to attend this weekend. The weekend can be a profoundly positive and enriching experience whatever path you are walking. The gatherings are limited to a number, which allows for an easy exchange of dialogue and questions as we go through the materials. The wisdom of everyone present is deeply respected. You will find a very supportive and friendly environment. Although guided by Freyja, there is no guru or person on a pedistal.
“An amazingly effective gathering that tackles the most subtle thought patterns and beliefs holding us back from living joyfully. The workshop uproots dysfunctional patterns with radical clarity, consistency, compassion, and a gentle sense of humour. The reward recognises our innate nature of oneness and empowerment.”
Sander Tideman, Founder & CEO of Triple Value Leadership / Impact Leadership & Governance / Systems Change / Impact Finance / Purpose Quests / Non-Executive Board Member.
“This gathering simplified what had historically been for me the mysterious subject of ‘Non-Duality’ and true nature. I highly recommend you attend; it is worthy and life-changing on many levels.”
Jennifer Broadley, Therapist & Executive Coach.
“This was such a fabulous weekend - I just love the way you present it and the simplicity with which the metaphor is presented, and I think you summarised the whole metaphor in this: "The Universal Family shares the understanding that it is possible to live essentially free of psychological suffering characterised by self-doubt and self-limitation and that our natural state is to live life in this way." I can highly recommend anyone interested in joining this weekend!”
Suzanne Lang, Non-Dual Executive Coaching
"It was an absolute joy to be part of this weekend, and very clear and well-structured resources so well support it. I am excited to continue alone and with others as the community around this will expand.”
Lisa-Jane Szijarto, Family Systems and Sex and Intimacy Coach
"The exploration and experience of the Universal Family dynamics and exercises opened me to living with freedom, play, and love in new and meaningful ways."
Peggy O'Neil, Coachguide